The latest update of Nexus-e

Check out our contribution to the October edition of the VSE Bulletin!
September 30, 2022
(in German only) Mit dem russischen Einmarsch in die Ukraine wurde klar, wie abhängig die Energieversorgungssicherheit der Schweiz von den Entwicklungen im Ausland ist. Um diese Abhängigkeit zu reduzieren, sind diverse technische, politische, regulatorische und gesellschaftliche Massnahmen nötig. Ein Energiesystemmodell berücksichtigt diese nun. Link to the article!

Arijit joins the Nexus-e team!
August 22, 2022
The Nexus-e team is very proud and pleased to welcome a new team member! Arijit Upadhyay joined the Energy Science Center (ETH Zurich) in July 2022 as a scientific assistant. He is working on scenario developments for various projects at ESC and collaborating toward making the Nexus-e platform open source. Previously he obtained a Master’s degree in Energy Science and Technology (MEST) from ETH Zurich. In

Can solar PV in the alps help Switzerland’s energy transition?
April 26, 2022
Dr. Marius Schwarz contributed to the study “Alpenstrom jetzt!”, in which four researchers from different fields outline their perspective on alpine PV in Switzerland. Photovoltaic (PVA) systems in alpine areas could make an important contribution to building-up of domestic winter electricity production, which is crucial for the security of electricity supply in Switzerland. Alpine PV generate significantly more electricity in the winter half-year compared to classic rooftop systems

Maria joins the Nexus-e team!
March 26, 2022
The Nexus-e team is very proud and pleased to welcome a new team member! María Parajeles is a doctoral researcher at Power Systems Laboratory under the supervision of Prof. Gabriela Hug. She obtained her master’s degree in Sustainable Energy Futures in 2021 from Imperial College London. Her research now focuses on the transportation sector electrification and its interaction with electrical distribution grids.

Check out our open positions for master thesis and semester projects!
February 21, 2022
At Nexus-e, we are looking for excellent students who are highly motivated and are able to work independently on 🔌The security of electricity supply in Switzerland (PDF, 128 KB) ⛄The role of alpine solar photovoltaics (PDF, 128 KB) Are you interested? Please send your CV, a short letter of motivation (max. one page), and transcripts of previously obtained degrees (with grades) to Dr. Marius Schwarz

Dr. Marius Schwarz outlines the impact of neighboring countries on the Swiss energy transition – check out the insights in our interactive results viewer!
February 2, 2022
At this year’s Energy Research Talks Disentis 2022, Dr. Marius Schwarz addressed the question of how dependent is the Swiss energy transition on developments in its neighboring countries? Check out the scenarios in our interactive results viewer! The three key statements: Expansion targets for new renewable energies (i.e., solar, wind, biomass) are not achieved in the scenarios – how much Switzerland falls below the targets