
The latest update of Nexus-e

SWEET PATHFNDR just kicked off, with Nexus-e as the central tool

This June, the SWEET PATHFNDR (PATHways to an Efficient Future Energy System through Flexibility aND SectoR Coupling) project kicked off. PATHFNDR is a research project that aims to develop and analyse transition pathways for renewable energy integration in Switzerland. It is sponsored by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy’s SWEET programme. As the central tool for the consortium, Nexus-e will provide the scenarios, considering technical, economic, and social constraints for the national scale and regional scale.

You can find more information on the the role of Nexus-e in the PATHFNDR project here.

Part of the kick-off is the PATHFNDR virtual lunch talk. In the first session, Marius presented Nexus-e to involved research and industry partners. For watching his talk, click on the video below.